Outdoor Offerings: Trails & Parks
The Dana Reserve will be a walkable and bikeable community, with 8-foot wide buffered bike lanes. There will also be nearly 4 miles of walking trails, and 3 miles of equestrian trails with an equestrian trailhead. All of these will be open to the public.
Each neighborhood within the Dana Reserve will have easy access to a network of pocket parks, in addition to the central oak woodland. The pocket parks will incorporate native plants and the nearly 5 acre passive park will connect to the 27.22 acres of oak woodland. A total of 55.56 acres of open space will be in the Dana Reserve, for a total of 19.3% of the site. Whether you want to enjoy the outdoors with the broader community, or walk through more intimate green space, Dana Reserve has a variety of choices neighbors can enjoy.
Please see our interactive map to see where the pocket parks and oak woodland will be located.