It was important to us that all intersections studied for this development would continue to operate at the same – or better – levels of service as they currently do.
Traffic studies collected in 2018, then updated in April, June, and December of 2022, confirmed all intersections studied will operate at the same level of service or better as they currently do when the development is fully constructed and occupied.
The Dana Reserve will remedy the 4 major circulation deficiencies in Nipomo identified by SLOCOG and REACH in their HIP study. These four improvements have been long planned by the county, but this project will commit to completing them. They include:
1. The completion of north frontage road connecting to Willow, including the signalization of Willow and new frontage road connection. This will help relieve congestion on Tefft and give weekend Swap Meet traffic another access and exit. The frontage road is to be completed before any homes are occupied in Phase 1.
2. The connection from Pomeroy to Willow, which was originally planned by the County to connect to existing Hetrick at the Glenhaven hairpin turn. We have offered–and will construct as a part of the project–an improved more direct route from Pomeroy to Willow away from Glenhaven and Hetrick. This will allow this area of Nipomo a more direct route to 101 and remove this traffic from Tefft and 101. We will also connect these first two improvements together in the center of the Dana Reserve to allow for a direct connection to retail shopping area within the project.
3. The signalization of both the Northbound and Southbound off ramps at Willow and 101. The timing of the installation of signals at ramps will be determined by a Caltrans signal warrant. This signal warrant is estimated to be at approximately 40% to 50% of project completion.
A new transit center and 2 bus stops will also be added within the Dana Reserve to increase North & Southbound RTA connectivity. There will also be a Park & Ride at the north frontage road and Willow intersection.